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Every year, people from around the country come to Lubbock for a time of renewal and strengthening for the coming year. Join us as we Raise the Banner, Shout Hosanna against the spiritual forces seeking to destroy the body of Christ. Keynote speakers from across the country will guide our minds and encourage us to carry the mercy and grace of Christ into a world condemned by evil. Classes will help equip church leaders and members in their battle for Christ.

Keynote Speakers

  • God’s Battle — Trey Morgan (Lubbock, Texas)
  • The Cross – Shawn Gary (Lubbock, Texas)
  • Identity of God’s People — Dan Chambers (Nashville, Tennessee)
  • Speak About It — Willie Williams (The Colonies, Texas)
  • Disciples on Mission “Go” — Eli Hooper (Grass Valley, California)
  • Living Transformed Lives — Dan Winkler (Nashville, Tennessee)
  • A Call to All Nations — Chris Swinford (Wichita Falls, Texas)



Wednesday, January 24

5:30 p.m.    Registration
6:30 p.m.    Worship (Auditorium)
7:00 p.m.   God’s Battle — Trey Morgan (Auditorium)

Thursday, January 25

(Prepare/Enrich Certification Workshop 8:45-4:30)

8:15 a.m.  The Cross – Shawn Gary (Auditorium)
9:00 a.m.  The Power of the Gospel (Auditorium)
9:45 a.m.  Class Sessions

10:45 a.m.    Break & Booths
11:00 a.m.    Class Sessions

12:00 p.m. Complimentary Fellowship Luncheon  FLC
1:30 p.m.  Identity of God’s People — Dan Chambers (Auditorium)
2:30 p.m.  Break & Booths
3:00 p.m.  Class Sessions

4:15 p.m. Speak About It — Willie Williams (Auditorium)

Friday, January 26

8:15 a.m. Disciples on Mission “Go” — Eli Hooper (Auditorium)
9:00 a.m. Flag Presentation & Worship    (Auditorium)
9:45 a.m. Class Sessions

10:45 a.m. Break & Booths
11:00 a.m. Class Sessions

12:00 p.m.  Prospective Student Lunch (Sign-up at the Recruiting Booth in the Foyer)
Sr. AIM Luncheon (Pre-purchase ticket at Sr. AIM Booth)
or on your own
1:30 p.m.  Living Transformed Lives — Dan Winkler (Auditorium)
2:30 p.m.    Break & Booths
3:00 p.m.    Class Sessions

5:30 p.m.  Banquet ($15) A Call to All Nations — Chris Swinford (FLC)

saltShop – Saturday, January 27

Sunset Academy of Leadership Training

The crisis of leadership is evident throughout the country. Sunset Academy of Leadership Training, SALT, is a resource to help congregations in answering this crisis. Following this year’s Vision Workshop, we will host our first saltShop. The saltShop will provide lessons that combine education and application to guide every attendee in understanding how to address the crisis in their congregation.

Please indicate on your registration whether you will be attending this extra workshop on Saturday on your registration form.

8:30 a.m. The Need for Leaders — Bob Turner
9:15 a.m.  Classes

  • Shepherd Training — Tommy South
  • Evangelistic Leaders — Chris Swinford
  • Emotionally Intelligent Leaders — Zane Perkins

10:15 a.m. Classes

  • Shepherd Training — Tommy South
  • Disciple Making Leaders — Chris Swinford
  • Strategic Planning for Leaders — Mike Vaughn

11:15 a.m.  SALT – an Encouraging Story (Process and Progress of Centerville Church of Christ — Erik Rucker

12:00 p.m. Lunch provided